Fuel’s Holiday Team Challenge kicks off 11/22 and here’s why you WANT TO SIGN UP –

Challenges are a great way to increase your confidence and step into your strength.  When we challenge ourselves to move beyond the comfort zone we end up expanding that comfort zone to a new boundary.  Major growth happens during challenges, and it’s not just physical.  Consider every big hurdle you faced in your life and how it helped shape you, how it compelled you to think bigger than you were in that moment and grow into the person you want to be tomorrow.  Challenges show us that we’re stronger than we think.

And that’s another key benefit of challenges; our gifts become apparent.  Our strong bodies, our strong minds, our dedication, our passions; these are all elements to be grateful for as they show up during the challenge.  The Holidays are all about gratitude; this challenge is an expression of gratitude for the amazing body you’ve been gifted this life: no better way to show appreciation for a body than to USE IT in movement that brings you Joy.

Accountability is also a huge element of challenges.  This time of year accountability shifts from the internal to the external.  We start holding ourselves accountable to the needs of others; family, friends, the annual Holiday work party…all those external forces that apply tremendous pressure to our calendars over the next 2 months.  When you add your name to the Holiday Team Challenge you’re making a decision to show up for YOURSELF and to maintain accountability to the priorities you have for a healthy body.  You are keeping a small part of your schedule reserved wholly for YOU.

Contribute to the greater good – the absolute best part about the Holiday Team Challenge is that we work together as a TEAM. You’re not just showing up for yourself, you’re showing up for your team.  You become an inspiration, an ENERGY in the room that carries the rest of your team forward.  You have a direct impact on your team’s total score; and you never know when a team member needs your encouragement to make it to class, or make it to the end of class.  And when you need it; they give that energy right back to you.  As a Fuel Family we support one another; we share our strength with each other, we acknowledge each other’s gifts, and we sweat together.  When we come together we are UNSTOPPABLE.  

Join us for the Team Challenge this Holiday season, there’s no better time to step into your strength, acknowledge your gifts, and contribute to the greater good.  Team sign-ups open 11/18 and game starts 11/22.